Town & Country Kettering Directory
Roderer Shoe Center

About Roderer Shoe Center
Being local, we have been fortunate to work directly with some excellent community organizations such as Shoes4theShoeless, Brigid’s Path, Kettering Backpack program, as well as a large number of schools in the area. We are tied to this community and will continue to be as we move forward.
We now offer new services such as Curbside pickup and Local delivery within 5 miles.
We look forward to helping each and every one of you in the future in any avenue you decide to do business with us. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask; you can reach us at my personal email: [email protected]. If you want to shop in the store we have shortened our hours to Mon-Sat 10 am – 7 pm and Sunday 12-5 pm. You can also call the Roderer’s store at 937-298-1801 and New Balance Dayton at 937-293-1991.